Many a times colleagues & friends who want to learn java were asking me to provide some good links to go through to start with. I compiled some set of useful links. I hope that this will be useful to all the people who want to know about Java.
In Java world, the difficulty isn't to find good API but is to use it well. Moreover, the Java API is too large to memorize all. That's why, the internet links are important. You name any task there will be minimum more than 10 ways of accomplishing in Java, that's the strength of Java. But irony is that's fastly becoming weakness as well compared to RoR & .NET at least in developing web applications. Having lot many options is not always good :-)
Each technology (Desktop, Enterprise, Content Management, Web applications...) is so big that each has enormous amount of information to learn. Here I have included the links that are generic in nature useful for starters.
Resources from creator of Java - I always maintained that Java API (JavaDoc & Java source code) is "the best" resource, Most of us don't realize this.
Java 6 - Programmer Guide
Java 1.5 API Specification
Sun Tutorials
Technical Articles from sun based on category
Most Java books are written by people who couldn't get a job as a programmer, since programming pays more than book writing. Most of the time they are outdates & comes with bad examples. This is especially true for free books, but I guess these books (Especailly first 2) deserves reading.
eBooks - Free
Java Language Specification - James Gosling- Father of Java It's like Ritchie book in C,
Thinking in Java - Bruce Eckel One of the best writer, Has also written books like Thinking in C++ along with other Java books. Now a days he is putting efforts behind Adobe Flex, RIAs
Object-Oriented System Development - Dennis de Champeaux, Douglas
Mastering Enterprise JavaBeans 3.0 - Ed Roman, EJB3.0 is definately not as bad as earlier versions.
Processing XML with Java - Elliotte Rusty Harold, I think we should avoid XML as much as possible, if required Groovy provides better alternative compared to Java
The J2EE Architect's Handbook - Ashmore - Don;t carried awayby the asserions
Servlets and JavaServer Pages: The J2EE Technology Web Tier - Falkner and Jones
Java Design patterns - James W. Cooper - Examples are provided in Swing
Well written set of Java Series books from Sun.
Good Java Websites
Sun's Java Site - Official java resources
Java practices - Supereb Collection of Java practices
The Server Side - Interesting discussion but usually consists lot of marketting literature, So
don't believe what ever people say there.
IBM's developerWorks- Wealth of Java information - IBM has made huge java investment in developing literature of building large scale applications.But they are quite slow in supporting new stuff like weblogic guys.
Weblogic - dev2dev - #1 in providing enterprise software
Spring - Lightweight framework providers ,
JBoss - First popular open source application server, Now Gavin King author of HIbernate, Seam works for JBoss
The essential Java language library - The resources you need like you need air
JavaRanch - Good old Java certification site - But you are forced to see all sort stupid questions & answers, If you not interested in certification no need to go here.
O'Reilly's onJava - O'Reilly books are generally good
Good Applet resources
Kick Java
Java open Source Collection - My #1 site for looking into java open source options. All kudos to creators of this site.
Java Tech magazines
Infoq - My favorite, If I start a magazine it is going to be like this (BTW I am planning to launch one)
Net Beans magazine - Good place for all NetBean lovers
Parleys - Belgium based site with lots of quality presentation on various interesting Java areas
JavaWorld IDG's online magazine for Java language and programming professionals--featuring news, views, tips, tools, technologies, and more. But I guess these days we are not getting much content here
Java Report Online Online segments of Java Report, featuring Java Tutor, products and services listing, articles, jobs and more.
About java An in-depth collection of news, tips, articles, and tutorials.
Javaposse News,Interviews about java.
Java Skyline - Magazine for Server Java developers
Java Developer Journal - Self proclaimed #1 magazine, with lot of ads.
Java Jazz Up -free online magazine on Java Technology
DevX - Java zone - Very good articles, again lots of ad
java blogs - A java blog aggregator. (EJB, JMS, Ajax, iBatis, Struts, Wicket, ...)
The Java Memory Model (lot of ressources ...)
Free Java EE (J2EE) Training Online
I think these are important areas that any Java Programmer must be familar witth.
1. Java Programming
2. Java Collections -> Look at the apache commons as well as Google collections, You will understand both power & shortcomings of Java collections.
3. Java threading Model -> There is going to be lot of investment in coming years as the API that exploit the multiple CPU power are going to be important. Scala/Erlang is also important scripting languages to follow.
4. Understand the servlet model. You can look into source of Wicket or Tapestry pure object oriented component models for developing web applications. My Swing way of developing complex web applications is going to be popular in coming days. (WingS, ZK, Echo, GWT, JSeam)
5. Scripting/DSL is bringing lot of cahnges in development (Groovy looks to be the best bet for Java programmers), So it's also better to focus on Groovy support in Spring, Grails & Seam