Thursday, November 20, 2008

Nice way to tell what all you know with wordle

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Do we really need a web service api for serving static data when we already have a good query and mining language? (SQL, XML)

Google, Amazon & eBay provide the static data by publishing through their docs.
- Location information (City, Country...)
- Categories
- Currency data
- Hierarchy information

These are the advantages that I see from the above approach. 
- Uses local CPU power, saves unnecessary traffic to the web service
- Supports online/offline scenarios
- Supports programming logic flow, since we will have the information at the compile time it's easy to code
- Solves the performance problem, what ever be the improvement network calls are always costly compared to local calls
- data model is essentially a flat data model, easy to import,save & navigate

But I guess they should be better exposed as XML rather than as HTML

The problems I see with this approach
- We need to have stringent way of updating the local cache of static code (usually stored in SQL or XML or as text file with some delimiters)
- static information that are easy to represent in code (say number is less than 10 & unlikely to change) are represented as Enums , so we will be 2 rules, some will be represented with static enums & some will be represented with static code
- There will be different rules for representing the data & we will be sacrificing the strong typing which I think is not a issue as benefits to the both parties (client & server) exceeds the pain with String based APIs.

As from the mature real SOAP based web services, it's clear that we don't need to expose API StaticCodeService() to get these static information. The demand for quality, correct designs far exceeds our capacity to create them. Web services should emerge from the needs of real applications, and that they should make common tasks ridiculously easy.

In Summary,
It's not worth wasting SOAP web service API calls for getting static information.

Thursday, November 06, 2008

Why Fluent Interface? Here are some thoughts on using fluent interface while designing APIs & their impact
Definition : In software engineering, a fluent interface (as first coined by Eric Evans and Martin Fowler) is an object oriented construct that defines a behavior capable of relaying the instruction 'context' of a subsequent call.

First philosophy,

The success of Conversation/Communication/Integration depends on the quality of signals between two entities involved & the signal is clean & is understood well. Communication is always based on context, shared context. Context also influences interpretation. For example , "use a fork" differently depending on context (Unix, dining table, Java or Ant build file). Well understood shared context improves the signal-to-noise ratio in communication it makes communication effective, expressive, easy to understand and easy to work with.
Domain Specific languages (DSLs) have implicit context, context is never mentioned, once the context is established repeating it again & again is a noise,. The end goal for involved parties in communication should be to reduce the noise to zero.
We have 2 types of DSL, Internal - based on exiisting language & external - A new language with parser & full fledged grammar, evidently external DSL is tough to implement & very effective (SQL,HTML) on the other hand Internal DSL is easy to implement especially with dynamic languages.

That's all about the boring philosophy...

The benefits,

No need to document the APIs.
- They are all self explanatory
- Examples should do all the explanation if any
- Testing/adaptability becomes easier

Less effort required to use, resulting in better economics
- There is very less chance to make mistakes
- All the extra noise is hidden which does not add domain concepts
- User has to write less & less number of lines of code, LOC most
of the time translate to number of bugs. Less the the code less the bugs

Correctly written fluent API gives the satisfaction of well written novel to
the author & the same reading experience to the consumer.

Market is always right, now all the new libraries are coming up using fluent APIs
Big software houses are putting more efforts to make code less noisy. The trend from Microsoft (C#3, IronRuby, F#...) Sun (JRuby & other dynamic language support) points towards that.

Experts think Fluent APIs are cool.
- Martin Fowler is writing a book on DSL
- Well proven frameworks like JUnit are coming up with fluent API alternatives
- Google collections, JMock, Fest, Guice... countless popular APIs are based
on fluent APIs
- Ruby on Rails Active Record is best example how a DSL can simplify the job & has successfully forced to think differently
- Market Signals shows that, best brains are talking more about DSL, functional
langauges & is definately are the way go about to develop software.
- Joshua Bloch (Google Java Architect) in his new Effective Java book talks about Builder pattern for building immutable fluent java objects.
buying more memory can be easier and cheaper than to pay someone to understand/debug code. Well written code (read fluent interface) results in good economics.

Now the real world code using Fluent APIs,

No marketing is better than showcasing real working code for technique or technology.

New Java Date APIs JSR 130:
Period thePeriod = Periods.periodBuilder().years(8).months(3).build();
This is what experts feel how the code should be written & this code is definitely looks better than java.util.Calendar,java.util.Date APIs.

Fluent way of handling XML marshalling un-marshalling:

Here we have sample example showcasing the XML usage with fluent APIs

<phone type="mobile">98862342333</phone>
<phone type="office">080-2344234233</phone>

Groovy Sample:
def mkp = new MarkupBuilder()
mkp.contacts {
contact {
phone(type: "mobile", "98862342333")
phone(type:"office", "080-2344234233")
Ruby Sample
require 'builder'
x = => $stdout, :indent => 2)
x.contacts { {'praveenm') '98862342333', :type => 'mobile' '080-2344234233', :type => 'office' ''

Google Collections:
A excelellent example how JDK Collections can be simplified with fluent APIs
public static final ImmutableSet FAVORITE_NUMBERS
= ImmutableSet.of(2,9, 8, 15, 16, 50);

FEST Example: DSL-oriented API for functional Swing GUI testing

.requireMessage("Please enter your password");

JaxB common:

USAddress address = new USAddress()
.setZip(new BigDecimal(zip));

I guess this is not a good example for fluent.

protected void configure() {

List cats = session.createCriteria(Cat.class).setMaxResults(50).list()

A Fluent Layout manager

layout.row().label(label("Last Name")).add(lastNameField, 2).add(label("First Name")).add(firstNameField, 2);
.add(phoneField, 2).add(label("Email")).add(emailField, 2);
layout.row().label(label("Address 1")).add(address1Field);
layout.row().label(label("Address 2")).add(address2Field);

Frameworks like Grails, JMock, JPA utilizes the fluent APIs. We also have some samples in standard JDK itself like StringBuffer, StringBuilder, ProcessBuilder etc...

These are the commonly seen techniques in Fluent APIs with Java.
- Method Chaining
- Nested Interfaces
- Builder Pattern
- static imports

And finally the problems with fluent APIs,

It's definitely not the 'wow' technique. People have been using this for a quite long time & now we have just fancy name 'Fluent API' that's it. So let's not think this is like OOP or OOAD or MDA. It's a simple programming technique for making code look better.

- DSL is about writing good essay. Programmers are not essayists
- Java is not suitable for DSL- It doesn't have closures, open classes , quite verbose & is filled badly written APIs.
- It's very difficult to get correct in developing DSLs.Fluent API can be useful for highly used API,otherwise the investment of developing may not be as effective as intended. Thus, not all API can be made fluent.
- Difficult to track down null return value issues that occur somewhere in the chain
- Difficult to handle the exceptions, especially while dealing with existing APIs having checked exceptions.
- One of my 'java friend' was not ready to believe some of the fluent samples that I showed him were actaully a java code, :-), so there is also -ve impact on readability
- Need to write more code to make code fluent.

I strongly believe that DSL, both internal & external helps in developing better software that is easy to learn,extend, use & hard to misuse.

That's it, Hope that I was able sell fluent APIs to the new guys.

Domain Specific Language Book by Martin Fowler
Domain Specific Language by Martin Fowler
DSL Boundary by Martin Fowler
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