"First about Boring Theory"
"Unit Test is the smallest piece of testable part of an application" In computer programming, unit testing is a software verification and validation method where the programmer gains confidence those individual units of source code is fit for use. A unit is the smallest testable part of an application. The primary goal of unit testing is to take the smallest piece of testable software in the application, isolate it from the remainder of the code, and determine whether it behaves exactly as you expect. Each unit is tested separately before integrating them into modules to test the interfaces between modules. Unit testing has proven its value in that a large percentage of defects are identified during its use.
"In Java Unit Test cases means JUnit test cases, the single most importance of Spring & Guice (or any dependency injection framework) is to make unit testing easier"
JUnit is the de-facto framework for unit testing in java world. JUnit is a simple library, although there are mock objects, test code generators, behavioral test design & many other tools based on dynamic languages JUnit remains viable option while testing libraries or API where developer is a end user. Bob Lee (Author of Guice) stresses on the point that single most importance of dependency injection framework or interface driven design for matter is easier testability. All Google great applications like Gmail, Google Adsense, Calendar are the great testimony of this fact.
"Developers don't like writing unit test cases; Management needs to understand the technical debt associated with un-availability of test cases"
Let's face it, developers don't like writing unit tests & write documentation. Kent says, Software, like golf, is both a long and short game. JUnit is an example of a long game project – lots of users, stable revenue, where the key goal is to just stay ahead of the needs of the users. So it's hard to sell writing JUnit cases for small projects that don't have longer life. It's clearly avoidable overhead in such cases (Most of the web applications). It may not economically make sense to write extensive test cases for short lived & small applications.
In some cases developers hate to be embarrassed & look stupid when someone finds a mistake or highly technical guys think they don't need to write test their solid code. The first case can be handled through management as it's a purely competence issue which can be sorted out through training & other means, in second case it's hard to convince as these guys very much correct in their assertions in their own way. It's an attitude problem, the best way would to be deploy someone to write unit test cases. A "high level of quality code" is great, yet most software lives on and on and people expect to add/modify features in that software or debug it, it's economic requirement that super stars need to prove that their code works with unit test cases. How much will the maintenance costs are without unit tests? How much more risk does that add?
"Everyone knows that debugging is twice as hard as writing a program in the first place. So if you're as clever as you can be when you write it, how will you ever debug it?" -- Brian Kernighan
"Unit testing seems to a lot of managers and developers like pure overhead, but professionally responsible developers know that it is one of the keys to quality." - Neal Ford
"Solid test cases with 100% coverage provides the courage to refactor the code & the reduces the testing effort in future"
We need to educate ourselves it's economically makes sense to have solid test cases especially for pure library (API)providers, as cost associated testing & testers can be completely (almost) avoided as anyway applications will test the APIs & we can avoid duplicating of the testing effort of testers in testing the APIs. Unfortunately these long sighted approaches are difficult to sell to the management and it's become thankless job when the unit tested solid code can't be differentiated with the working code. Developing APIs is a marathon job & not a 100 meters race. Stamina & perseverance plays very important role. In most of the cases committed can't be taken back, I guess JDK deprecated APIs must be haunting, humiliating the initial designers. One of the benefits of JUnit test cases are that developers get first had experience of the developers using the same.
As time goes on, there will be cases where the code works a bit less, some minor bugs, and some dirty quick fix (or hack) happens. Since you don't want to touch that code, you'll put fixes/enhancements/workarounds in other parts of the code, slightly but constantly degrading the quality of your design. You won't even upgrade a depending library, since you can't easily run regression tests over it. In a shorter time than you expect, that good designed and implemented project will turn into a nightmare. So it's just not about changing code, it's about changing environment - RDBMS vendor, JDK version, Library versions, OS versions…
"JUnit can be used to write End to End functional Tests & Unit test cases needs to be reviewed"
From definition, a test is not a unit test if:
- It talks to the database
- It communicates across the network
- It touches the file system
- It can't run at the same time as any of your other unit tests
- You have to do special things to your environment (such as editing config files) to run it.
If we go by above principle 90% of our JUnit test cases don't pass above rules. Although POJO driven frameworks like Spring tries to solve it, I don't think we can use JUnit in it's pure form. It's ok to use the JUnit for functional and integration test cases as well.
"Test Before Code, or perhaps Test Before Design." – That means unit test cases need to be reviewed before the design or coding. These reviews probably should be more thorough than the code reviews itself.
"JUnit test cases can serve as great tool to document"
Probably writing documentation through Javadocs is a bad idea. Usage of verbose class names, method names & JUnit test cases is more scalable & efficient way of documenting classes. Communicating through the code is the best way communication.
"JUnit test cases have to be efficient & succinct"
Manual test hurts both economic wise & manageability wise. But by end of the day if test cases are not capturing the correct scenarios & worst part if we have repetitive test it really JUnit really doesn't help. Best of the people involved with software development needs to do this type of unit testing. Garbage in & Garbage out rule is perfectly applicable here.
I am done with all my legal points to sell unit testing? Do you guys buy this argument? J
My next topic on unit testing would be on patterns and anti-patterns while writing test cases.