Monday, January 17, 2011

2011 - My Technical Goals

  • Make useful & interesting to Java developers
My child-hood ambition has been to become writer and editor to a magazine. My obsession with politics/history/technology, I guess hasn't helped me to make money, but it made me always feel complete and happy. Not sure by end of 2011, I will make a respectable online magazine, but I will definitely give my best shot at that. I also would like to refine my applications that I created as my weekend projects & publish them in this site.
  • Android - Develop mobile applications
My guess is that developing applications for smart phones, iPads will be the "big bet" in coming decade and Android is likely to lead in this area of innovation. My decade java programming experience should help. btw,  I bought my android phone this year.
  • HTML5/Java Script - Learn it's effective usage
Some how I never liked Flash/Flex. Although I tried JavaFX (which apparently was waste of effort), never spent significant time with Flash. I hope create awesome applications with HTML5. JavaScript has been excellent lanaguage I hope to do plenty of coding using YUI, JQuery and GWT/JSNI.
  • Play/Grails - Developing web applications in simpler way.
The dumb struts & its similar web frameworks will have to be replaced with these awesome frameworks. I never had such a first time nice experience with any framework compared to Play. I intend to teach and develop few web applications with that this year.
  • JVM lanaguages - continue to invest in learning
I will continue to invest in learning Groovy and Scala & continue to look for places where I can use these to accomplish the tasks.

Happy & prosperous new year to all.

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