Thursday, December 07, 2006

It is very important to articulate the expectations on attitudes and behaviour from new developer coming into software development team.
Here are the few points I tried to come up with...
I want to ask them to take oath on these principles

  • I will not resist learning new techonology to solve problems, but enjoy the chance to do so.
  • I will not blindly accept any technology or innovation but will always try new solutions, I will research & keep up on news about new solutions & never feel unconfortable to modify the source code that I am not familiar with.
  • I will not throw out the same working solution to a problem every time. I want have the good track record of introducing new ideas & technologies
  • I will try solutions without complaint or fear of failiure (& always own up the responsibilities to correct the same & never insist on using the same solution behind other's backs to management
  • I will never undermine the technology & always ready to accept good things coming from all the ways.

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