Thursday, June 03, 2010

Using groovy to search name for my newly born son.
I had the un-sorted list of names of the God Vishnu from where I wanted to select a name, so wanted to sort them out alphabetically & used Groovy for the same.
Groovy Code in Java style - Click to see the code
Groovy with DSL MarkUpBuilder -Click to see the code
Unsorted 1000 Names
Sorted 1000 Names with groovy
Groovy is indeed Java++, It adds nicer syntax, closures and fluent interface making coding a joy without much noise.
Here is the result from groovy program. Click on letters to hide/expand the names starting with those letters.

a (113)

b (54)c (20)d (57)e (6)f (0)
g (25)h (13)i (3)
j (22)k (58)l (10)m (64)n (33)
o (4)
p (81)q (0)
r (14)s (243)t (19)
u (8)v (119)w (0)
x (0)
y (22)z (0)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow neat! This is a really great site! I am wondering if anyone else has come across something
like this in the past? Keep up the great work!

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