Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Cloud Design Patterns

Cloud Design Patterns: Prescriptive Architecture Guidance for Cloud Applications (Microsoft patterns & practices)

Design patterns serve as great communication tools during design conversations with various stake holders.Most of these things we already know but are packaged in succinct manner and I think their importance are limited if majority of stake holders are unaware of those terminologies.Examples like GoF patterns and enterprise patterns from Martin Fowler served the great purpose in capturing the imagination of developers and helped the design communication better.
I believe this documentation from microsoft has same level maturity and  very well written with excellent diagrams. This is the best I have seen in this space.
This 236 page PDF document on Cloud Design Patterns is divided into 8 Focus Areas  each area consist a list of design patterns. Also note that some of the design patterns fall into multiple categories but intention remains the same.

Most of the samples are in C# and I intend to re-create the sample using open source implementations in java eco system (best of breed of course). Will publish all the same samples github as I keep reading these pattern implementations and best practices. I believe this will serve as great learning tool. I will update this reference list as I complete coding for each pattern.


Data Management

Design and Implementation


Management and Monitoring

Performance and Scalability



And Big Thanks to Microsoft engineers for writing this.

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